Sunday, May 28, 2017

Where I want to go

For the last year and a half, I've been drifting. I've had to do a lot of reevaluating of where I want to go in life and what goals need to be laid down for that to happen. I've had to remix my body, mind and spirit perspectives, most of which had in the past been influenced by my environment. Being completely disconnected from that enviro has caused major shifts on what I want in life - some of the wants are incredibly old just newly realized, and other wants are entirely new. Here's the list -

Being a minimalist - I want to live simply, deeply connected not with the material world, but connected to my surroundings and the people in it. It's also a matter of being a good steward of the earth - and this is a want that I've been struggling with because old habits are a bitch to kill. The spending beast is a strange bedfellow. 

Being a naturalist - I want to live out in nature and base my creative spirit out of that source. This is a very old want newly realized. I had the privilege of growing up out in nature and grow nostalgic about it on a regular basis, always pining after the pines. I want this more than anything now and moving back into that space is now a life vision. 

Being an artist - I want to bleed creatively on a daily basis - but believe or not, it takes time to be habitual about it. Getting into this space has been a journey peppered with people who've constantly pushed me to realize this place within myself. I've come to accept that this is where I am going and I am learning to love being here all over again but with some positive habit building. 

Being health focused - I want to love being active and eating good food but I struggle because I am naturally a sugar addict. This has been the most realized want of this year. Being in an entirely new enviro has helped me to finally get part way to being active and eating good food. I want to embrace the healthy more readily. 

Being a spiritual witness - I want to live out my experience with God/Jesus/Spirit in the conversations I have with the people I meet. The greatest need in my want is creating a consistent habit of daily Communing with Him and celebrating/reflecting on that process regularly. I am still on the search for soulful people to connect and pray with. 

Each goal ties intricately in each other. It's a matter of making the choice each day to realize each goal by figuring out the processes, the individual steps needed.   

1 comment:

  1. Such beautiful words my dear! What an interesting place to be in. Like the moment before change when all the energy is building. I fully support and applaud you in this new descovery/journey.
    Love and prayers to you! We need to talk. Haha
