Friday, March 30, 2012

This morning as I sat in His presence I was reflecting on the song we will sing when we stand before Him, the song that the angels, elders or living creatures do not know (Rev 14:3). As I reflected on this song, I became curious as to the other words of praise that were mentioned else where in Revelation:

First Praise Session

  • First glimpse: four living creatures speak words of worship (4:8)
  • Shortly after the twenty-four elders cast their crowns before the throne and speak their words (4:11)
  • Together the four living creatures and twenty-four elders, and each with a golden harp and a bowl of incense, sing a "new" song (5:9,10)
  • They are than joined by tens of thousands of angels speak words of praise
  • These are than joined by all of creation to speak more words of praise (5:12)
  • This part of the praise ends with the four living creatures saying, "amen" and the twenty-four elders fall down and worship God

Second Praise Session

  • A great multitude of all nations and tribe speak words of praise (7:10)
  • Then the angels, twenty-four elders and four living creatures speak words of worship (7:12)

Third Praise Session

  • The Twenty-four elders speak words of worship (11:17)

Fourth Praise Session

  • The 144,000 Sing the Song that the angels, elders or living creatures do not know (14:3)
  • Those who have victory over the beast sing words of worship (15:3,4)

Fifth Praise Session

  • The third angel who turns the waters into blood, give words of worship (16:5)

After this, there are no more words of praise or worship. What I find interesting is that there is praise and worship throughout this entire conflict. There is pain, there is suffering, there is rejoicing, but what is consistent is praise and worship that confirms Christ's character during this entire time. 

Still praying and reflecting over these words. Amen.

Saturday, March 24, 2012

music to reflect to on this Shabbat: 
This is at the heart of me right now...

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

A year and a half ago, my Beloved called me to a specific prayer for myself and my husband. That prayer has been going back and forth. For months on end I'd pray that prayer and than I'd flounder. And this morning, after speaking to my dear sister, I was strengthened and revived, encouraged and enlightened as to why I need to continue in that prayer. After this latest guy situation, I recognize my thoughts, attitude and actions, and realize he's not intended for me, but I came away enriched and not lacking a friend. For six years, I was sitting on the fence concerning a particular hot topic, and I finally stepped down from that ledge and now willingly go where He is taking me. For the first time, I listened to godly counsel from my mother and valued her words with  willing acceptance. For me, that was a journey.

I know more than anything, I want the complete blessing of my parents with regards to my husband. They raised me to be godly, and I want to honour their actions with my marriage, and I want my husband to thank them for raising me. There's more on the topic but these are my thoughts for the morning. Amen. 

Monday, March 19, 2012

I can breath. I didn't realize I was holding my breath. Is he the one? I don't know, but I am now resting easy, ever so easy in my Beloved Jesus. Amen.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

I am waiting to exhale. I am processing so much internally and at the end of the day, I need to change, not him. Jesus, I am fascinated by what You are wroughting in me. Amen.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Jesus, Your sense of humour and your impeccable timing, continues, CONTINUES, to amaze me. Here is a guy, I actually like, no, I'd like to marry (that's a first...I know!), and as You're revealing him to me, I am beginning to be more and more at peace about being single...Okay, no I am not going to walk away from him. I realize how much I have to learn and patience, oh sweet patience, is at the base of it. And I am also realizing, I am okay with just being the friend, and may be only friends...but I am okay with it, because at the end of the day, I have You.

For you are the Foundation of me, and as I roll in the deep, I have this Anchor, that I know, oh how I know that strengthens me, keeps me, holds me fast and...will...not...let...go!!!

Friday, March 9, 2012

It's been an incredibly long journey, but yesterday, I was shown that my mother is my spiritual mentor. Mom and I have always been close, but it's been a really rocky relationship. However, as I've gotten older, delved more into His Words, He has shown me the blessings of a godly mother . Mom is not perfect. She is not a picture of perfection. For the longest times she's lived the life that said, "do what I say, don't do what I do," and for the longest time I didn't listen. I thought, what right has she got to say what she says to me when she's acting a way opposite to that advice (in my mind). But as I come closer into my Jesus' embrace, He has opened up my eyes to this godly minded woman, despite her imperfections. My mother is looking out for my spiritual well being. She has her own battles she must struggle with, and I cannot let those battles interfere with her advice to me. It is at those times, that I must see her as a sister in Jesus and not my mother when she speaks to me. She speaks to me from years of experience, of regret, and though her walk with Christ is different from my own, she does not want me to repeat her mistakes or walk the way of the world.

As I have come to learn to respect my mother and my father, I realize that in spite of their struggles, mistakes and follies, they are godly people because they strive towards Jesus. They desire to have Him as an integral part of their life's journey. I desire a man who will respect and love his parents, as well as my own. Amen. 

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

I don't know what to think. It's caught me entirely by surprise, this feeling of liking someone. To be honest, I've been praying like mad not to do anything out of turn or go overboard. If this goes anywhere, I want it to go deep into His territory, and not that of the enemy. Amen.