Friday, October 22, 2010


I am going through the process of purging my life of white noise, nicknacks and itty bitty stumbling blocks that get in the way of my relationship with my Father in heaven.

What makes it possible is just the fact that I want to know Him more, want to be all consumed by Him and have Him in every inch of my life. And as I go through this process of discarding or destroying these nuisances, I am beginning to realize just how thirsty I am, realizing how hollow and empty I am, seeing how far away I am. The truth of where I was in my walk and talk with my Best Friend was incredibly blunt, but the Spirit was leading to me a moment where I would look around and realize He wasn't my everything.

As David said in Psalms 139:23, "Search me, O God, and know my heart" To allow Him that intimacy, I need to let Him in, give Him access to everything that pertains to me.

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