I've grown so much in my walk with God during these last two years. Going to a public/secular university while situated in a some form of Christian domain has been a very fulfilling experience. I've learnt so much about myself in context to God and so much about God in context to myself. Every situation I am in life, I learn something new about God. I learned why the Sabbath is so important. It's all about relationship and that quality time I spend with Him.
I learned God can be shared in absolutely every facet -- from my smile to my attitude to sharing simple truths about Him. I learned that anything difficult is an opportunity for God to shine in my life. I lean on Him. We work together and together we finish. Difficult times aren't about me, but about Him.
I learned that I am a self-centered human who must daily put Jesus as the focus of my life. I learned that anything and everything I go through Jesus went through. I learned that I am loved, treasured and pursued by my Father. I learned that I must recognize my hormones in the context that God created them for a purpose and I must monthly accept this.
I learned that I can reach all people through my profession and that I can share my Father in something as simple as a smile and the attitude of going the extra mile. I learned that this place is not my home, but I wait and share Him until He comes for me.
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